Music on DiscoBus

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At first I thought that DiscoBus were the name to call the night bus in Ibiza. What a surprise when I get into my first time and I see the speakers playing such a nice stuff to the dancing passengers. Oh God! I started laughing, couldn't believe that, I started dancing with all the people there, was son funny! And the best thing is that it happens everynight. Next day (night) I asked the driver about the casette, and he told me that the name is "Vargas Party", and is always the same music, wich I must say is pretty good. My question is if anyone knows how to get it or knows the name of any tune there played. It would be nice to have it.
Cassette Issues.

Chances are, its only available on CD.
But you should find it one of the many music places. Try Mega Music, or the 24 Hour Photo Shop opposite Koppas
Kaiser said:
At first I thought that DiscoBus were the name to call the night bus in Ibiza. What a surprise when I get into my first time and I see the speakers playing such a nice stuff to the dancing passengers. Oh God! I started laughing, couldn't believe that, I started dancing with all the people there, was son funny! And the best thing is that it happens everynight. Next day (night) I asked the driver about the casette, and he told me that the name is "Vargas Party", and is always the same music, wich I must say is pretty good. My question is if anyone knows how to get it or knows the name of any tune there played. It would be nice to have it.

god im must of been in a state because i dont remember music being played last year on the disco bus - or is this a new thing?
mambobirdette said:
Kaiser said:
At first I thought that DiscoBus were the name to call the night bus in Ibiza. What a surprise when I get into my first time and I see the speakers playing such a nice stuff to the dancing passengers. Oh God! I started laughing, couldn't believe that, I started dancing with all the people there, was son funny! And the best thing is that it happens everynight. Next day (night) I asked the driver about the casette, and he told me that the name is "Vargas Party", and is always the same music, wich I must say is pretty good. My question is if anyone knows how to get it or knows the name of any tune there played. It would be nice to have it.

god im must of been in a state because i dont remember music being played last year on the disco bus - or is this a new thing?

always been that way ;)
mambobirdette said:
Kaiser said:
At first I thought that DiscoBus were the name to call the night bus in Ibiza. What a surprise when I get into my first time and I see the speakers playing such a nice stuff to the dancing passengers. Oh God! I started laughing, couldn't believe that, I started dancing with all the people there, was son funny! And the best thing is that it happens everynight. Next day (night) I asked the driver about the casette, and he told me that the name is "Vargas Party", and is always the same music, wich I must say is pretty good. My question is if anyone knows how to get it or knows the name of any tune there played. It would be nice to have it.

god im must of been in a state because i dont remember music being played last year on the disco bus - or is this a new thing?

I think they haven't changed that tape from years. I can't ask now that I am at home :cry:
I think they haven't changed that tape from years. I can't ask now that I am at home :cry:[/quote]

nope i really dont remember that, or perhaps ours was broken
Just heard on the radio a tune played in Disco Bus. The Name: " You are ready to give funky" anyone knows?????
PaulSub said:
Not all night busses are a disco bus though

obviously!! :P

<--- :lol:
LOL @ the lady looking at the camera... I can't wait to take the disco bus! even if I do drive around on the island, I might just take the disco bus anyway so I don't drink and drive (drinking and driving is just retarded and dangerous for everyone)... I've heard so many stories about how fun it is on the bus they have a website?
disco bus

Haha many a laugh had on disco buses-including 1 of my mate's got off at the stop & me & my other mate were too busy pithering about wondering if we were at the correct stop :?: :!: :?: -when the doors shut in our face & we we're driven off :arrow: -leaving our poor mate stranded on the pavement-lost. :cry:
How we howled with laughter. We were still crying with laughter when we got off at next stop-the wanna be gay boys striding the concrete 4t we were apeing them & miaowed us-which overcourse ensued more tears of laughter. :o :o :o :D :D

da wheels on da bus go...
I like discobus, you can meet a lot of creazy people on it.
I remember the first time we took disco bus there was a girl next to us, she was so drunk so he threw up.... I don´t think you want to hear details! :)

Threw up! Eurgh-details "los carrots"-sorry don't kno spanish 4 carrots :roll:
Haha just remembered another funny :lol: :lol: Some silly wanna b gals @ our apartmnt would play Woolworths Best Ibiza toones at silly o clock in the morning.
We got sick of hearing DJ Sammy blowing his whistle, & Scooter squeaking their pap - sorry but Ibiza aint that - that pap is for sticky carpet venues where the kids walk on the outsides of their feet. Anyways our ears were bleeding thus :evil: , ensued my best spanish cussing..."Silencio bastardo perro's". :x This echoed around our block, they musta bin a bit confused :? & worried cus it did the trick.
We laughed like banshees on hot rod broomstix til our gobs hurt :twisted:
all my years in Ibiza I have never made the disco bus! Think we just missed it outside Amnesia once. Need to get it this year :!: 8)

Aaron said:
all my years in Ibiza I have never made the disco bus! Think we just missed it outside Amnesia once. Need to get it this year :!: 8)
Hey there boy, pornstar!!! Give us some viewing to make our ears water-not the prawn we saw on Formentera nuddy beach ;)
Re: Pornstar

Smalljinx said:
Aaron said:
all my years in Ibiza I have never made the disco bus! Think we just missed it outside Amnesia once. Need to get it this year :!: 8)
Hey there boy, pornstar!!! Give us some viewing to make our ears water-not the prawn we saw on Formentera nuddy beach ;)

lol :oops: :oops:
Re: disco bus

Smalljinx said:
Haha many a laugh had on disco buses-including 1 of my mate's got off at the stop & me & my other mate were too busy pithering about wondering if we were at the correct stop :?: :!: :?: -when the doors shut in our face & we we're driven off :arrow: -leaving our poor mate stranded on the pavement-lost. :cry:
How we howled with laughter. We were still crying with laughter when we got off at next stop-the wanna be gay boys striding the concrete 4t we were apeing them & miaowed us-which overcourse ensued more tears of laughter. :o :o :o :D :D

da wheels on da bus go...

You bitch :lol: :lol: I'll never forgive you for doing that to me!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Haha Kerry .. it was you was it? *chuckle*

Can't wait to take the girls on this ... keep telling em about going on it. It was the first bus of the night and therefore had "ordinary" people on aswell as clubbers .... there was no music though .... well, not until the bus had left San An, then on it came .. the whole bus eventually danced along after first making little awkward jiggy movements, moving on towards The Full Monty stuff ... then into a full blown "Let's have it" dance session .... was so funny !