money working in ibiza


New Member
i desperately want to go to ibiza and work, but being a student i have not a lot of money atall. is it such a bad idea to jus sod the money thing and see what happens??????????????????/
i soooooooooo wanna go:):) :) :) :)
yeah 1000 definatly. i worked as a rep for 18-30 in san an for a month then got sacked and had 0 euros. daddy came to the rescue wid 500 quid but i struggled for the whole season. try not to have any money coming out of you bank too
i have near enough 2 grand with the option of an extra borrowed grand...

so according to your advice ill be ok out there for a whole season?! just a little (not much :p ) worried about finding and paying for accomodation,what do you thinks the best thing to do?

(sorry if ive gone of topic a little)
if you're going out may time there should be plenty of places advertised head to the ship inn in the west end, 3k should be plenty enough cash i spent that much in 2 months when i went.