Mobile phone camera quality


Active Member
I have had my phone since December and have rarely used the camera. On a recent trip to the lakes I was messing around and used panaroma mode. The camera directs you to take three photographs each a different piece of the vista. I thought "No way can I get the images bang on". To my suprise the camera fits them together perfectly. I am quite astounded at the quality of mobile phone cameras having seen the result of this and other shots taken on the trip. The panormaa shot is here;


Do any mobiles yet have cameras with a built in flash?
I had the Sony Ericsson K850i (until it froze on me 2 weeks ago) and that took some amazing pics, really clear, some even better then my camera. There is a newer version out I bet thats even better.

I now have the Samsung G600 which is 5 mega pixel like the Sony but no way as good.
N95 has a good camera but the N96's is even better.

SE need to bring out a K850i replacement.
i have a similar function on my camera. here's a panoramic shot of the hills round bilbao


you just can't see the join.
theres a new se update to the k850i coming soon, the c905 maybe? 8megapixel shiz.

tempted by it, although the k850i is shoddily made. on my 2nd one now after the last one 1st decided to relocate the touch keys to the bottom part of the phone, then once it was fixed it blew up (even made a loud POP noise) when i was trying to take a photo of some nice kitchen worktops.


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Be careful about high megapixel claims on phone cameras.

We had a meeting with the designers a while back and without a significant investment in the lens quality, the end user won't see much of a benefit from anything above 5mp.
I've got an LG Viewty which is one of the best for quality photos,overall a superb phone, the iPhone isn't worth a f**k and are a waste of money.:!:
Touch screen is great, since i got the LG Viewty touch screen ill never get a normal phone again, granted it takes a bit of getting used to but generally i think it's great.:)
Touch screen is great, since i got the LG Viewty touch screen ill never get a normal phone again, granted it takes a bit of getting used to but generally i think it's great.:)

Till the touch system goes, which trust me it will.

I had the LG Chocolate before and that gave up after about 6 months.
Flash on N95 is crap. It isn't a flash, it's LEDs.

N96 doesn't seem to solve the problem either, it just has an extra LED.
Till the touch system goes, which trust me it will.

I had the LG Chocolate before and that gave up after about 6 months.

well im not far behind you and mine is working fine,best phone i ever had, even the LCD TV is LG and it works a dream,brilliant company.