Look De Ibiza - 80's Promo Video

... Great soundtrack and some footage of Ku as well!

omg ... what a beautiful + amazing work of art
Anyone seen this?

Great soundtrack and some footage of Ku as well!


I was gonna put this up the other week but for some reason thought it had already been discussed. Awesome site. here's the tracklist

1.moments in love---art of noise
2.shes got a gun---yello
3.peter gunn---the taxi gang
4.how much are they---jah wobble
5.novela das nove---wally badarou
6.my boss---linda di franco
8.woman of the world---double
9.dont take my coconuts---kid creole
10.los ninos del parque---two of china
11.people from ibiza---sandy marton
12.let your body learn---nitzer ebb
13.camilla---art of noise
c´mon - sure it´s not bad. but it´s so 90s-yesteryear ...
there are around 150.000.000 ibiza-****ing "chilling"-videos like that.
why is cafedelmar mostly empty these days ?
probably because many people have enough of that "chillout-overkill".

in contrary that KU-video is fresh as F,
not to talk about the brilliant bird's eye views of playadenbossa, borabora, KU,
bums+boobies, etc :-)
Youngsters these days just dont understand the term Balearic in it's true meaning.

And Bez, I assume you are a Twenty something that has been brought up on a diet of special effects, Playstations and instant gratification. To us 'older' people, that video explains a lot.
Youngsters these days just dont understand the term Balearic in it's true meaning.

And Bez, I assume you are a Twenty something that has been brought up on a diet of special effects, Playstations and instant gratification. To us 'older' people, that video explains a lot.

Bit ageist. You don't have to be old to understand what Balearic is all about.
I would strongly recommend folk ibiza in July, Dirk

sounds like it could be right up your street ;)

tix on sale now - booked mine last week - 60 quid for all the events
Member of the Facebook page, we were discussing it just the other day but the wrong time of the year for us. We are off in September, but will look closely at next years events!
for me, balearic = alfredo... farley... 1980s.. chicago house arriving in Europe... ecstasy innocence... neo-hippies.... sunset.... ibiza....london/manchester heads....demis roussos at sunrise... freeflowing hippy breasts in grainy footage... long hair.... camp italians... ex-hooligans.... pop records from anywhere in the world at any tempo which suddenly made sense... bo derek riding around on a white horse..... ganja.... dunes.... junior boys own... maidens... ibizenco dwarves.... german nudists... whitewashed buildings... nature... spanish classical guitars.... chanting.. gypsy wailing... transglobal underground templehead... ethnic clothing.... italo discoteca... not caring if people think you are gay... tears for fears.... tribal music...microdots... the beloved... lyrics which sound really deep/philosophical in mangled English... mandy smith... tablas... the whistle song...1980s... anti-thatcher... freedom from small town mentality.. cosmopolitan vibes.... drugs, drugs, more drugs in sunshine, in moonlight, in sea, in swimming pool, on boat etc etc etc

but it has been discussed to death in various books and on blogs and forums by experienced sages who know a lot more than me. (DJH discussions alone can stretch to 38 pages on this subject!) I don't think there is a consensus on what precisely defines 'balearic' because everyone (of whatever age) has their own experiences of the balearic islands - but I think the key difference between original balearic and nu-balearic is that there was an innocence around e-culture in the early days which was soon (and inevitably) lost forever and that everything that followed those early days has to be set against the rampant commercialism which has come in the last 20 years to define both Ibiza's music and drug market, which is why people "who were there" tend to be quite sniffy and elitist about "their scene" and why they constantly repeat the mantra "things not as good as they used to be" - the age-old cry of small scenes which mushroomed into global phenomenons.

I personally don't stress about it too much - but am looking fwd to a damn good time at that festie this summer, which I'm hoping will give me a little insight into what I missed out first time round :D
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