is judge jules a ass

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does any esle think judge jules has turned into an ass, i lost the plot?
I don't like the guy's music, but in fairness to him, he's done alot for clubbing and dance music in general.....alot more than some of his other more respected peers.

It aggrevates me when people start dissing different genres and DJ's simply because they don't like their music.

It is also the reason that the dance music scene is crap at the moment and if we don't pull our collective heads out of our asses we will all be listening to Bruce Springstein again and wondering why the scene died.

Like everyone, i have my own style of dance music i prefer, but at the end of the day, i can listen to any dance music......even Erick Morillo's handbag.

Time to pull together folks, not keep tearing the scene apart.
would have to say that "THE JUDGE" is a complete dose of......but as you say vinylgroover he has done quite a bit for dance music and when i say that i mean he introduces alot of people to dance music. im sure im not alone when i say i used to think the man was the bees knees many moons ago. so perhaps the man shouldnt get as much stick as he does but i think it must be because when people develop their taste for dance music they realise how pants the man really is and perhaps in a strange way feel a bit resentful towards him. well thats just IMO. :lol:
PS. Dance music is by no means crap at the moment. ya just gotta look that little bit harder for those tunes ;)
Ah you see this is my point. no he has always been a bit of a bellend. the thing is most of us at one stage or another thought otherwise and when everyone copps on eventually he gets a slagging. sad but true me thinks. :roll:
To be honest I have always thought he was a nob !!! With his crap childrens house sets and those ridiculous glasses.

His wife is a bit of a babe though. It's pretty obvious why she fell for him. It must of been the fact that he was wearing one of his baco-foil tank tops that was the clinching factor !!!
Wow, i'm the only one who likes Julesy on here, eh? To be honest, I love his music, his style and all that stuff. And I got to have a chat with him a couple times last summer. Totally nice guy. Very sound! Signed autographs, chatted and was just very nice in general.
i like him, althought hes not the best dj in the world, he still stands up for his style and culture. :)
I admit that I used to listen to some of his stuff years back when I first got into the music. He no doubt has been the introductory DJ of choice when people get into the music in the very beginning. Today, I think of his music as being good for that, but I no longer enjoy the cheese. I am sure that he has knowledge about the music because I doubt that he would be so big if he had none. However, I wouldn't go see him! :D
he was good once, a bit to hard-house´y now. His wife is beautiful but has no vocal skills, her her perform at EDEN 2 years ago, "live" - poor ears!
but the tracks they made for "Angelic" were good!