In Ibiza Now!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dadi
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Hello to you all!!
I´m in Ibiza now but the problem is that my pasport,visacard,drivenliecens and my pocket money was robt from me in Frankfurt airport.
I have only 150 euro now.
If there is some of you that is in Ibiza now and maybe like to find a room together or maybe want to meet you can call me:01744006531.
I´m a boy age 22.I like to do evrything there is to do on Ibiza, with that I mean that I just love this city.And it would be more fun if we were some of os that could meet.
I´m from Denmark and I speak English and Deutsch.
And if there is some of you that maybe have a tip about what I can do now in this tuff situation,please!!!!!!
hey man. sittin' in front my computor in sweden and will probably go to ibiza sunday the 4th. yes! i'm interested in splittin flat with some people. I'm looking for a job as well. as a bartender. hope things work out for ya man. no fun being robbed. peace
"Hola" to you

Hola my friend.
It is good to hear from somebody there is going to come to Ibiza.
I give you my spanish number so you can just call me when ever you like.
Phone:617070301.If you call me outside spain remeber to dial 0034 first.
In the moment I got a room whit only one bed but call me and we can talk about the posebilites.It is cheap because I only pay 25 euro pr.night.
Because the rest of the rooms cost like 30-45 euro.
But call me..
My name is Iman
we was robbed

You are f***ed dude. You may have to become a 'gentleman of the night' to finance your trip. The apartment thing sounds good but not yet sure wen im coming over - this week/week after. the name is Richard by the way.