i want to find out everyone's, different and hopefully contrasting, informative views on all music not just techno/or house.
i am sorely lacking in the logistics of producing and performing certain genres of dance music, so i reckon the more people post their views, the better educated i/we will become on house/dance music.
lets start with the question of-
how and what, do you define as 'HOUSE' music?
(as a new member myself, hopefully a variation of posters will reply, not just the usual.)
i am sorely lacking in the logistics of producing and performing certain genres of dance music, so i reckon the more people post their views, the better educated i/we will become on house/dance music.
lets start with the question of-
how and what, do you define as 'HOUSE' music?
(as a new member myself, hopefully a variation of posters will reply, not just the usual.)