Ibiza virgin's trip report 31/8 - 7/9


New Member

Found these forums really useful and fun since re-discovering Ibiza on a posh girls hol in late June. Loved it so much, 3 of us went back last week to try a few more clubs (only managed Cream last time as totally wasnt expecting to enjoy clubs!) and thought i'd post my thoughts here, for what they're worth.

1. Carl Cox and Friends @ Space

Bought tickets in advance in this site - turned up at 2am and huge queue for pre-paid tix and guest list which was annoying. However, realised in my efforts to brign as little as possible and remove neccessity of handbag I had not brought my credit card or driving licence with me! Had to speed all the way back to the villa to get these and got back to space about 2.45. Luckily there was no queue by this time. Managed to catch end of Roni Size set and shuffled through about 30 mins of Fedde le Grand feeling a bit disappointed by lack of atmosphere. Being Ibiza virgins we didnt realise this wasnt even the main room (don't laugh!)!!!! When we did find it it was raaaaammmmmmed! Pushed our way in and I must say I f-ing LOVED it. No idea what the technical/official term is for whatever music Carl C was playing but it was dark and dirty and everyone was dancing like crazy. Lots of sweaty, over-tanned Italians and broken glass on floor made my friends (much prettier than me and wearing flip flops) a bit unhappy but I thought it was great. Space isnt a v pretty place and it is ridiculously packed but now I know what to expect i'd go earlier and get my freinds to wear their converse so they don't get cut up feet!

2. Cream @ Amnesia

We had such an amazing time at cream in June (26th) - loved the Terrace where I think it was S Ingrosso playing. This time I didn't recognise the name of the DJ on from about 2-5 but he was CRRRRRRRRRAAAAAP. I am absolutely no expert but even I could tell that taking 4 minutes to build up the crowd only to fluff the big crecendo was a no-no. At one point we coulnted at least 6 minutes where the music was so quiet we couldnt hear it - the DJ was beaming though and obvioulsy thought playing things quiet and building it up was the way to go. Such a disappointment. Decided to try PVD in the main room and was blown away. At least I think it was him - didnt look like his poster but whoever the hell was playing 4-5 really worked the crowd and everyone was jumping like nutters. Tried the terrace again at 5 by which time DJ changed to a girl who played better in 20 mins than the previous guy had done in 2 hours. Unfortunately by this time my friends had had enough so they dragged me off the podium and we left about 5.15

3. Hed Kandi - El Divino

It seemed quite weird going here as in June this was probably the kind of thing i thougth i would enjoy - how a week in Ibiza has changed me!!! Now i like my house drak and bangin!!!! Anyhoo - we got cheapo tickets and it was my birthday so we wanted something fun and fluffy. Music was a bit cheezy when we arrived but about 3 the DJ changed and it got a lot more funky and fun. The outdoor terrace at El Divino is really its savinbg grace as otherwise it was a bit pokey and non-descript. Good atmosphere, far less glam and pretentious than I thought. Apparently El Divino is closing down next year so was worth at leats seeing it. Stopped in at Amnesia on way home to get something from the shop and could hear People from Ibiza through the doors - sounded much better and will def try that next time.

All in all not bad for a first time - next year will definitely go for a fortnight so have more choice and longer to recover (am too old for non-stop clubbing). Def want to try Judgement Sundays next time (we arrived on Sunday and were just too pooped to go out) and maybe Tiesto just for the experience.

I should also say that I dont drink or indulge and still managed to have a brilliant time until the wee hours - any of you newbies worried it is all p***ed up Brits or 16 year olds on pills really shouldnt believe the 'hype'. There is a bit of that but far far less than your average saturday night in any UK city.

Hope thats been vaguely interesting to other newbies. Experienced Ibiza-goers - any advice on must-tries for 2009??

L xx
Don't go for 2 weeks the novelty of the island will wear off , your better with a week absolutely kicking the ****e out of partying and by the time you've to go home you'll be wet at the thought of next year coming around were as 2 weeks sometimes you'll find it drags
Don't go for 2 weeks the novelty of the island will wear off , your better with a week absolutely kicking the ****e out of partying and by the time you've to go home you'll be wet at the thought of next year coming around were as 2 weeks sometimes you'll find it drags

no chance!!! :lol:
i wouldnt go again for a week after doing 2 this year!!! unless i couldnt afford it of course but ill do my best to make sure i save just as hard next time for 2 weeks ....

god 2 weeks wasnt enough for me 8)
No Way!!! 2 weeks is a great way to do it , you get to go to your favourite parties twice n u can chill without feeling guilty your missing out. Plus u meet loads more people
1 week is simply not enough (for me not even 2).

I've been doing 2 weeks for the last 5 years, and even those weren't enough that i simply had to come back again for the closing parties... same thing that i'm doing this year! :)
2 weeks is great, you can pace yourself with the clubbing and enjoy more of the rest of the island (beaches, etc).
Try also to do the Zoo if you can, it is great to experience one daytime party in these changing times - and Cocoon is a must !
2 weeks is great, you can pace yourself with the clubbing and enjoy more of the rest of the island (beaches, etc).
Try also to do the Zoo if you can, it is great to experience one daytime party in these changing times - and Cocoon is a must !
Or you could be like Fusion and me and go out every night! :lol: (Actually, to be honest, I had 4 nights off on my 2-week trip last year, but it was more for reasons of taste than pacing. I still managed 14 parties!)

But to add to the chorus of rebuttal on basher, 2 weeks is a perfect trip. You'll wish you were staying there all summer, but you'll have had enough to be somewhat satisfied. There's time to get out and see various beaches, villages, restaurants. Lots to do and, after 8 years of going, there still tons left for me to see.

We're only going for 9 days this year (in 10 days!!) but hope to be back to our usual 14 next time.

Anyway, glad you had a good time, Lottegal. :D
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Hope thats been vaguely interesting to other newbies. Experienced Ibiza-goers - any advice on must-tries for 2009??

If you prefered the dark techy stuff of Carl Cox and the atmosphere you should definately go to Cocoon @ Amnesia next year!!!

Don't go for 2 weeks the novelty of the island will wear off , your better with a week absolutely kicking the ****e out of partying and by the time you've to go home you'll be wet at the thought of next year coming around were as 2 weeks sometimes you'll find it drags

I agree if like me you haven't got the Euros to go out 14 nights then 2 weeks is a bit long- I think 10 nights is perfect.

1 week is simply not enough (for me not even 2).

Fusion, you are of a higher breed of hardcore partying!!! :)
2 weeks

Have already been looking at villas for 2009 and have def decided to go for a fortnight - no chance of getting bored i reckon! I loved the beaches and lovely countryside as much as the nightlife so always something to do and am getting way to old to party every night for a week, even if i dont drink. Need to be able to pace myself!

Was playing a few Ibiza-related CDs in the car this weekend and i can't believe how much I want to go back! I have a really tough job in the City and realise i have 'wasted' the last few years being all grown up and sensible when I could have been letting loose and dancing on a podium for hours and wearing day-glo!

Well - better late than never! I know many people seem to think Ibiza is on the way out (I got lots of eye-rolling and eyebrow raising when i told people wear i was going on hols) but for someone pretty new to it it just seems gorgeous and fun and another world - way more chilled than trying to get back into the clubbing scene in London.
My feelings exactly. Did the same as you with tough job, living up to expectations, being good girl, then adding kids and very lacklustre marriage to the mix before hitting the wall, my ex dumping me, etc etc, blah, blah...:roll:.
Luckily, all that forced me to discover my groove, rebuild and then Ibiza with my lovely new DJ husband... Umm, a few years later and I still love it all, changes or no.
Go for it, 2 weeks and more and enjoy, enjoy, life is short :lol::lol:
i would for sure go for 2 weeks,i went this year for my first time and it was for 2 weeks and next year i am trying to get 3 weeks,as for people from ibiza i would defo recommend it as was one of the best nights i had there,really nice crowd with great music
Have already been looking at villas for 2009 and have def decided to go for a fortnight - no chance of getting bored i reckon! I loved the beaches and lovely countryside as much as the nightlife so always something to do and am getting way to old to party every night for a week, even if i dont drink. Need to be able to pace myself!

Was playing a few Ibiza-related CDs in the car this weekend and i can't believe how much I want to go back! I have a really tough job in the City and realise i have 'wasted' the last few years being all grown up and sensible when I could have been letting loose and dancing on a podium for hours and wearing day-glo!

Well - better late than never! I know many people seem to think Ibiza is on the way out (I got lots of eye-rolling and eyebrow raising when i told people wear i was going on hols) but for someone pretty new to it it just seems gorgeous and fun and another world - way more chilled than trying to get back into the clubbing scene in London.

what a refreshing attitude. That's really put a smile on my face so nice one.
My feelings exactly. Did the same as you with tough job, living up to expectations, being good girl, then adding kids and very lacklustre marriage to the mix before hitting the wall, my ex dumping me, etc etc, blah, blah...:roll:.
Luckily, all that forced me to discover my groove, rebuild and then Ibiza with my lovely new DJ husband... Umm, a few years later and I still love it all, changes or no.
Go for it, 2 weeks and more and enjoy, enjoy, life is short :lol::lol:

Well - better late than never! I know many people seem to think Ibiza is on the way out (I got lots of eye-rolling and eyebrow raising when i told people wear i was going on hols) but for someone pretty new to it it just seems gorgeous and fun and another world - way more chilled than trying to get back into the clubbing scene in London.


I'm sure this story is ever so typical, certainly sums my situation up. Worked like a loon for years, career, house, wifey. Never able to let go of the moosic and found Ibiza at the turn of the century and am hooked worse than a crack whore.

As for two weeks being too long, no way pedro, one week is almost like torture. Went for a long weekend a couple of years ago and that was even worse.