Quick round up of a cheeky three day trip. I'd just spent two weeks in the Valencia/Alicante/Murcia region updating the Rough Guide Spain chapter. Took the fast cat from Valencia - very quick though expensive at 68 euros. Still, got me to the port for 8pm, then grabbed hire car and drove to Kasbah in San An where me pal Andy Wilson was DJing. Great food as ever.
Sun we chilled and then got to Space for 8pm to catch DJ Sneak. Place was not that full, just a nice amount of people, though got packed by midnight when we left. REQUEST: Space just has to sort that sound system out. It was bad last year and seems even worse this. Why the "best club in the world" (ahem) can't provide a system that muffles everything except drum patterns and bass is beyond me. They have the bar prics hiked at 8 euros a beer so why not upgrade the system accordingly. It just ruined Sneak's set. The big man was messing with EQs all the time, so maybe that threw the set up I don't know - that was my tech-minded friends opinion. Whatever, Sneak's set was only really audible (vocals etc) for the last 15mins when he dropped a wild cut up of Womack and Womack.
Steve Lawler was pretty competent, and the sound improved ( a res sd know how to tweak it after all). He dropped the Bassheads, and kept it fairly tough. We bailed out ( I do terrace heaven not black hole hell) and headed to Ancient People for a bev or two. Bumped into DJ Gee on way who said that he had had Guitarra G (aka Gregory) doing a live set down Bora Bora. That was prob the place to be last Sun.
Quick drink in Gusto bar before El Divino for Defected. Only a third full though some quality house music from Miguel Migs. Spent most of the time lounging around the VIP with the Defected crew Vicky, Alex and Greg. BTW beer in EL DIV Vip is only 5 euros. Bit of a bargain for Ibiza clubland that. We rolled a bit more there, before bailing aout at 9am. Not bad for a 39 year old.
Next day was recovery mode, then a great meal down Mayura (S Indian grub) in Sa Penya, followed by a few bevs down Bar Zuka.
Gen impressions: Ibiza v quiet for the time of year. San An beach fairly empty! Suits me fine though many biz-ness-es struggling. If a quality night like Defected can only pull 300 or so in late July, Ibiza needs a period of adjustment...
Iain Stewart, author Rough Guide Ibiza
Sun we chilled and then got to Space for 8pm to catch DJ Sneak. Place was not that full, just a nice amount of people, though got packed by midnight when we left. REQUEST: Space just has to sort that sound system out. It was bad last year and seems even worse this. Why the "best club in the world" (ahem) can't provide a system that muffles everything except drum patterns and bass is beyond me. They have the bar prics hiked at 8 euros a beer so why not upgrade the system accordingly. It just ruined Sneak's set. The big man was messing with EQs all the time, so maybe that threw the set up I don't know - that was my tech-minded friends opinion. Whatever, Sneak's set was only really audible (vocals etc) for the last 15mins when he dropped a wild cut up of Womack and Womack.
Steve Lawler was pretty competent, and the sound improved ( a res sd know how to tweak it after all). He dropped the Bassheads, and kept it fairly tough. We bailed out ( I do terrace heaven not black hole hell) and headed to Ancient People for a bev or two. Bumped into DJ Gee on way who said that he had had Guitarra G (aka Gregory) doing a live set down Bora Bora. That was prob the place to be last Sun.
Quick drink in Gusto bar before El Divino for Defected. Only a third full though some quality house music from Miguel Migs. Spent most of the time lounging around the VIP with the Defected crew Vicky, Alex and Greg. BTW beer in EL DIV Vip is only 5 euros. Bit of a bargain for Ibiza clubland that. We rolled a bit more there, before bailing aout at 9am. Not bad for a 39 year old.
Next day was recovery mode, then a great meal down Mayura (S Indian grub) in Sa Penya, followed by a few bevs down Bar Zuka.
Gen impressions: Ibiza v quiet for the time of year. San An beach fairly empty! Suits me fine though many biz-ness-es struggling. If a quality night like Defected can only pull 300 or so in late July, Ibiza needs a period of adjustment...
Iain Stewart, author Rough Guide Ibiza