help some scottish girls headin 2Ibiza 09


New Member
Hey! me n four maybe five of my friends headin over 2nd wk in may til beginnin of October 2009!!! can not wait btw!!!!

Just wonderin about how to go about gettin work accomodation etc??...
is there any sites you can go on to arrange this before headin over??...
I am a qualified hair stylist and one of my friends is a qualified beauty therapist, wed both be willing to do this as work, but we all have previous bar experience(which would maybe suit us better cos we still get to lap up the sun thro the day) We'd also be willing to do some dancer work??.....

Wot about accomodation???...does any1 know how to go about rentin an apartment n gettin it sorted before goin over??...were five Glasgow girls who love to party n dont wanna have te worry bout rent n stuff 1c were over there, so if theres sumwhere we could pay this in advance, ad much prefer that....that way u cin just live on what u earn??

Any advice would be much appreciated


Umm i cant really give u any advice as myself & best m8 are in the same situation (Heading over 1st week of May 4 the season). But from what i have found out and researched so far, the majority of people find accommodation & work when they are over there. The ship inn, at the top of the west end in san antonio is a good place 2 start 2 find sumwhere 2 stay & work. I believe it's quite difficult 2 do this B4 u go. What part of the island are u thinking of staying?

My plan is 2 book a hotel 4 a week, and fingers crossed find sumwhere 2 stay.. There will be loadsa people looking to share accommodation so that shoulden't be a problem. With regards to work, its whatever u fancy doing! Although the majority of people look for bar jobs & P.R work, as this is more common and much easier 2 find..

Hope this ''Kinda'' helps...?! Anythin else u wanna ask then please do :-) .


worked there myself in 2007, doing it again this year. best bet for accomodation is get over within the 1st 2 weeks of may ask around and check out the ship inn. i got my accomodation last time from everythingibiza i think you called them, they might have a website if you google it. the accomodation was basic but did the job and nobody ever bothered us.

anything more you wana know ask me on msn

good luck and more than likely ill see you out there :-P