The usual. Couple of after work pints suggested by a mate turned into a pitcher swilling jug-fest. With my tie round my forehead rambo style. Got chucked out the boozer.
Could have done with a drink last night when I got in from work but instead, turned to the green side...... 8)
Does that count as part of your five-a-day?
Feel like hell warmed over....
Neither can I, now that I look at it, which might explain how I felt earlier this afternoon!I cant get my head round that phrase
Ya, we usually say "death warmed over" in the States. That somehow combined with the phrase "I feel like hell" to generate what I wrote above. Which is about how well my brain is working today.In have always the phrase
"you/I look/Feel like death warmed up"
and an American guy I used to work with adopted it but changed it to "death warmed over"