Hangover club

Not signing in, could easily have done so misus and boy were away last night, but that's a top way to start the month m8 10/10:twisted:

Pre Christmas training?
The usual. Couple of after work pints suggested by a mate turned into a pitcher swilling jug-fest. With my tie round my forehead rambo style. Got chucked out the boozer.
Could have done with a drink last night when I got in from work but instead, turned to the green side...... 8)
On a Wednesday ?! That's just mental. You kids are crazay. When the sun is shining, school night drinking is acceptable, expected even and I did it pretty much every night at the start of the summer and was fine. Now it's winter, it's just not the done thing. I'm doing manual work at the moment too which is just a killer if your feeling bad.
Just got to the office after returning home this early morning.

Feel like hell warmed over....

But it was worth it 8)
Tea total for the next 2 weeks due to running a half marathon....and to aid the stop smoking while drinking campaign :oops::oops:.
In have always the phrase

"you/I look/Feel like death warmed up"

and an American guy I used to work with adopted it but changed it to "death warmed over"
In have always the phrase

"you/I look/Feel like death warmed up"

and an American guy I used to work with adopted it but changed it to "death warmed over"
Ya, we usually say "death warmed over" in the States. That somehow combined with the phrase "I feel like hell" to generate what I wrote above. Which is about how well my brain is working today. :oops: :lol: