guy knocked down on main road


Active Member
did anybody hear any news about the guy who got knocked down last thursday nite on the bit of road between privelige and amnesia???

Is he ok? Thankfully reports of accidents in that area have been down this year (to my knowledge anyway)
we were in a taxi going to cream and we passed a car crash on the way not far out from san an. then as we passed privelige the car in front started swerving and pulled out. i was crackin up coz i thought he was trying to overtake after not long passing a crash but as the car swerved our headlights lit up the road and there was a guy lying flat out on the main road with blood gushing from his head - it freaked me rite out. our taxi pulled in and radiod for an ambulance.

when we left cream that night i asked the driver and he said the guy died but i havent been able to get this confirmed anywhere.dont want it to be true as u never like to see or hear these sort of things.
Usually there we would have heard about it by now if there was a death. Fingers crossed he'll pull out of it. Respect to your taxi driver for stopping and calling an ambulance straight away
there were two fatal accidents that night.

the young man hit by a car ( the driver wasn't drunk) was walking near las dos lunas. as yet he has not been identified but has a hairstyle cut like a chess board.

in the other accident at syp in ses paisses a girl jumped/fell out of a taxi and died of her injuries.

i think this brings to 13 the number of fatalies this year on our roads - about the same as drownings this summer......
thats terrible, i hate hearing stories like that cos a few years ago my mate was killed in a road crash in ibiza, it was his first holiday ever abroad and he got run over bya van who went through a red light, he was only 19, it sends shivers up my spine even to think about it.

hope that guy is ok :cry:
:( Thank you for clearing the issue up Stephen.

Im just wondering why on earth;

stephen said:
in the other accident at syp in ses paisses a girl jumped/fell out of a taxi and died of her injuries.

That girl jumped out of the taxi?!

Condolences to the families.
from diario de ibiza

La madrugada de ayer se saldó con cuatro accidentes graves, tres de ellos en el municipio de Sant Antoni

Dos jóvenes fallecieron en la madrugada de ayer a consecuencia de las heridas que sufrieron en dos graves accidentes de tráfico, en una noche trágica que se saldó con otros dos accidentes graves.
La primera víctima fue un joven de unos 20 años que permanece sin identificar y la Guardia Civil de Tráfico cree que es británico. Fue arrollado a las dos y veinte de la madrugada en la carretera de Eivissa a Sant Antoni por un Alfa Romeo de color gris frente al restaurante Dos Lunas, en las inmediaciones de la discoteca Amnesia. El conductor del vehículo dio negativo en el control de alcoholemia que se le practicó. Según las primeras investigaciones, el joven invadió la calzada y el conductor del vehículo no pudo evitar la colisión. La víctima fue atendida por personal sanitario de dos ambulancias no medicalizadas que pasaban por el lugar hasta que se hizo cargo de él una UVI móvil del 061, cuyo médico le practicó maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar. Falleció en el lugar del suceso. La Guardia Civil facilitó la descripción del fallecido y solicitó colaboración ciudadana para identificarle: se trata de un joven de alrededor de 1´80 metros de estatura y el pelo cortado simulando un tablero de ajedrez. Vestía una camisa blanca y pantalón vaquero.
Apenas cuarenta minutos después, una joven que viajaba en un taxi con base en el aeropuerto se arrojó por la ventanilla del vehículo. El suceso tuvo lugar en el kilómetro 0,5 de la ronda de ses Païsses, pasado el supermercado Eroski. Se trata de una británica de 18 años, J. W., que sufrió un fuerte traumatismo craneoencefálico, con hemorragia, edema y fractura del hueso occipital. En un primer momento fue trasladada a Can Misses, aunque posteriormente ingresó en la Policlínica Nuestra Señora del Rosario, donde ya entró en estado de muerte cerebral a las seis de la mañana. A las once se confirmó su fallecimiento. La Guardia Civil investiga las circunstancias de esta muerte y trata de averiguar por qué la joven se lanzó del vehículo en marcha. El conductor del vehículo fue interrogado ayer, así como otras personas del entorno de la chica.

they say the boy, who they think is british walked into the road into the path of the car, and they don't know how the girl, also british, came to be 'thrown' out of the window.
the young man hit by a car ( the driver wasn't drunk) was walking near las dos lunas. as yet he has not been identified but has a hairstyle cut like a chess board.

OMG - i seen that guy quite a lot this holiday too. :cry:

i honestly thought i was going to be sick when the driver home told me he was dead. do you think building a proper motorway would help prevent these fatalities?
Thats awful - i'm sure we seen that guy around in San An on the wednesday just before we left for the airport!! :(
Here's the story translated

from daily of Ibiza the dawn was settled yesterday with four serious accidents, three of them in the municipality of Sant Antoni Two young people passed away at dawn of yesterday as a result of the wounds that suffered in two serious traffic accidents, in one night tragic that was settled with other two serious accidents. The first victim was a young person of about 20 years who remains without identifying and the Civil Guard of Traffic thinks that he is British. She was coiled to two and the twenty of the dawn in the highway of Eivissa to Sant Antoni by a Romeo Alpha of gray color front to the restaurant Two Moons, in the environs of the discoteca Amnesia. The driver of the vehicle gave negative in the control of alcoholemia that practiced to him. According to the first investigations, the young person invaded the road and the driver of the vehicle could not avoid the collision. The victim was taken care of by sanitary personnel of two ambulances nonmedicalizadas that passed by the place until position became of him a movable UVI of the 061, whose doctor practiced resuscitation maneuvers to him to cardiopulmonar. She passed away in the place of the event. The Civil Guard facilitated the description of the deceased and asked for citizen collaboration to identify to him: one is a young person of around 1´80 meters of stature and the cut hair simulating a chessboard. He dressed a white shirt and jeans. Hardly forty minutes later, a young person who traveled in a taxi with base in the airport threw by the window of the vehicle. The event took place in kilometer 0.5 of the round of ses Païsses, passed the Eroski supermarket. One is a Briton of 18 years, J. W., that underwent a strong craneoencefálico traumatismo, with hemorrhage, edema and fractures of the occipital bone. At a first moment it was transferred Dog Misses, although later it entered in the Policlínica Our Lady of the Rosary, where already she entered state of cerebral death six in the morning. To eleven its death was confirmed. The Civil Guard investigates the circumstances of this death and tries to find out why the young person sent itself of the vehicle in march. The driver of the vehicle was interrogated yesterday, as well as other people of the surroundings of the girl.