Frequent flying & Ryan Air's latest

Scuse the use of a Daily Mail link but this made me a bit cross.

Air travel shouldn't be made cheaper...Or should it?

The carbon footprint needs to be a collective responsibility but I guess that shouldn't mean that frequent flying becomes a luxury for the middle classes and those that can afford it.

How can this be regulated in a way that's fair? :confused:
Well, according to this article:
"'The seats are lighter and the carbon footprint will be smaller, as more seats fit into a smaller area."

Problem solved!

Scuse the use of a Daily Mail link but this made me a bit cross.

Air travel shouldn't be made cheaper...Or should it?

The carbon footprint needs to be a collective responsibility but I guess that shouldn't mean that frequent flying becomes a luxury for the middle classes and those that can afford it.

How can this be regulated in a way that's fair? :confused:

ryan air is uncomfortable at best seated.

tax the airlines according to the load of the plane - if they dont fill the flight, they pay more.