end of april/early may


Active Member
hi all, i've had a bad few months here in wales, problems with girls are stuff so i think the only way to get over it all is to travel to the white aisle for the summer...does any1 wanna meet me who plans doing the same thing, we can share accomodation and look for some work..i am 22.m...plz get in touch with me via pm message.

how ya goin mate.. Me and a mate from Nottingham are flyin from Luton on the 3rd of May, meetin two more workers at the airport, doin the 'gettin away from it all' thing, all booked and ready to go, got two weeks accom when we first get out there then gotta find somethin perminant. Have you sorted anythin yet?? There's also a pre-ibiza workers party in Farringdon, London on the 25th of March if ya interested, for details go to www.balearic-jobs.com bout the party. Hope ya get something sorted coz ibiza is goin to rock this year.. Paul.
Happy summer man

Yo flying out 28th april am a 25 year old straight lad from near liverpool looking for people to share accom and **** with or just have a giggle with going out with another mate but we plan on splitting up drop us a line on Law_and_Punk_era@hotmail.com There are underscores between the words there Take it easy see u in the sunshine

hey, I'm a 21 year old from the US looking for people to share an apartment with so i can at least not have to worry about that. pm me if your down
Kepar_livmar said:
Yo flying out 28th april am a 25 year old straight lad from near liverpool looking for people to share accom and **** with or just have a giggle with going out with another mate but we plan on splitting up drop us a line on Law_and_Punk_era@hotmail.com There are underscores between the words there Take it easy see u in the sunshine
I'm planning on flying out at the end of april too, where you flyin from? I'm 21 and I live between Liverpool and Manchester if you fancy meetin up beforehand. If anyone else around the Manchester area fancies meetin up then get in touch, my e-mails crw150684@yahoo.co.uk