DJ Looking For One Night of work


New Member
A friend of mine is a DJ who places mainly trance type music yet can toss in the odd house song if need me and he is looking to spin anywhere for 100% free for one day or one night in Ibiza. Any bar, restaurant, club interested? He can send a demo if need be!

No, he's making a reference to a DJ, miss_xs, who's recent post in search of a DJ gig turned into a huge online catfight and got one member banned. Ignore him ;)

It seems to me like the kinds of places that would allow a one-off appearance by an unknown DJ would not be the same clubs where trance would be the music of choice. I'm talking mainly about pre-party bars or smaller bar/clubs.
i think we need to point out that one member got himself banned for an unprovoked and insulting attack on a newish member.
best thing is talk to the bar owners while you are out there - i did it last year and now have a few in roads this year that i can take :D

as u can see from the forum its just like any other country with the music industry there will always be problems and bitching just make sure your make has thick skin and he will be ok