Counselor/Personal Trainer or Sunset Lounge DJ/Pianist needed?


New Member
HI. :)

Next to being a counseling psychologist & personal trainer, I'm a musician/DJ specializing in 'Sunset Lounge' - Cafe del Mar type music. I play live flute, piano/keys (virtual grand piano) or didg with it. I'd like to stay in the San Antonio bay for the summer.
I also do multi media production (audio/video) and web design.
Check out my CV on my web page:

Happen to know anyone I should talk to about finding some work in these areas?

Though I'm not English by birth, I am virtually a native English speaker and I have been driving accident free for 20 years world-wide.
I last drove all the way around Australia (40.000 ks in a campervan) without any problems.

I'm 39, well-educated (born and raised in Germany, undergrad in communications in Chicago, Masters in Psychology in Boston - 10+ years in the US total, plus 2.5 yrs in Australia, Japan and Caribean), responsible and not much into partying.

I speak some Spanish and intend to perfect it.

Any useful hints or offers are appreciated.


Ingo Michehl, M.Ed.