Bedroom DJ's


New Member
I've decided the time has com to upgrade from my decks (which i actually payed F**k all for and only have 10 LP/EP/what ever they are, for) for some CD decks.

Now obviously, I'm not going to be forking out for a pair of 800's or 1000's, so I'm just looking for a pair of cheapish yet reasonably good CD decks.

I've been looking at Numark Axis 4's...

are these any good? Or does anyone have any recomendations within a similar price band?

I already have a mixer, headphones, speakers and all that jazz....
To be honest with DJ gear the more you spend the better the product - usually.

I've had the axis 9's for a couple of years (using a laptop / midi controller now though) and have to say I quite like them.

Pretty decent effects on them, loop functions are pretty good and easy to use, Buttons feel a bit plastic-y but never really had any problems in response from them or anything. Jog Wheels feel pretty good - very sensitive to the touch etc.

Only real issue I had with them is the pitch control - don't get me wrong it's fairly accurate and it's possible to mix with them competently but they were a little too light to the touch for my liking - personally I prefer a bit more resistance in a pitch control.

Overall they feel quite sturdy - have used them in bars / pubs a couple of times and they do well - although the afore-mentioned pitch control 'fader' came off in transit - slotted straight back on though.

I've always assumed the axis 4's are identical minus the effects. Are they much cheaper? I'd probably recommend trying to go for the 9's if at all possible as while the basic use of the deck is competent it's the effects that made it good value for money for me.

If they're only really going to be used in a bedroom set up and maybe the occasional party or even bar then I'd say you'd be fine with them. But go for the 9's - unless you've got an effects section on your mixer in which case the 4's would prob do fine.
Actually just had a look at your link there - looks like the 9's are nearly double the price and it seems the only difference is the effects.

In which case I'd say the 4's would be fine. You could prob invest in a cheap fx unit in the future (if you were really that bothered about it that is) and still come in under the price of a pair of 9's.

Wish I'd thought of that at the time actually. :x:?
Thanks for the info. :D

My mixer has minimal effects, but they're not exactly brilliant so the effects on the 9's would be a bonus.

I'll have a look on Ebay after Christmas though and see if any cheap pairs of 9's come on offer.

Thanks again.
Hi Spikey,

I already wrote the following in another thread. You shouldn't spend more money than u want, and I don't know how good numark cd players are. For a start my cheap no name players have been ok but as one gets better you quickly come to a point where you won't be lucky with a no name solution. Here's my post from the other thread:

But as a recommendation, I wouldn't buy any cd player from another brand than pioneer. I made this mistake several years ago and bought a cheap "no name" double cd player. I hated working with this and always tended to use vinyl. The biggest problem of this device was, that it's not working exact. you push the start button and you never know how many milliseconds it takes till the sound really starts. I never managed to direct start the new tune with an already open chanel. either it doesn't start when you want it or it doesn't start at all because buttons are plastic sh** (sorry).

with the cdjs it's absolutly no problem. they work 100% as you expect them to. this was the time when i broke down my record players (honestly!), because it's really fun to play with the cdjs. I love them :-)
I actually totally agree with the above Lars - Spikey if in any way you can get pioneers then go for it. As I said you very much pay for what you get in this game.

If you're like I was at the time though and money is an obstacle then you could do a lot worse than start with the Numarks.

The way I looked on it was that you never know where you'll be in the near future you might be able to upgrade to the cdj's in a year - 18 months - 2 years - at least you'll still have something to knock about on in the meantime.
Yeah, Pioneers are a no go. I can manage about £300 for the pair so unless somebody is selling some second hand 800's at silly prices there's no chance. :(
ive had a pair of axis 2's for ages.

they do the job unless yr after a player which can do more than just "play" ;)
Yeah, Pioneers are a no go. I can manage about £300 for the pair so unless somebody is selling some second hand 800's at silly prices there's no chance. :(

Sound Control

0% interest free, pay nothing for 12 months (but obviously have it paid off before end of the 12 months)


do it, make it happen.

you could even make them pay for themself by hiring them out, then ebay them before the 12 months is up.