BARS & CLUBS - winter 08/09

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:arrow: 22 in sa penya (closed during october/november)
:arrow: ak pepua in sa penya *new*
fri - intergroup with sosa+issie nixon+guests (from late march)
:arrow: albatros in playa den bossa
:arrow: alegria in la marina
:arrow: amadeus in es vivé
:arrow: aramón near plaza del parque
:arrow: azul cafe in isidoro macabich
wed - reggae with reche (till december)
:arrow: bar sur in la marina
wed - absolutamente funkdamental with albita power (from late april)
sun - doowuchyalike with lazerus (from mid-february)
:arrow: base bar in la marina
:arrow: big ben in playa den bossa
:arrow: BLU
:arrow: boa in es vivé
sat - javi barreda+etc
:arrow: bombay lounge in ibiza nueva (closed during january/february/march)
thu - vatsyayana with angel cielo (jazz music)
fri - funky sutra with angel cielo+guests
sat - kama night with angel cielo+guests
:arrow: boogie bar in sa penya (hip hop, till december)
sat - open mic sessions with lazerus+dj chiefone​
:arrow: brujas in es pratet
:arrow: central park in plaza del parque
sun - yellow frog with little tim+ullysses (from march)
:arrow: chaos in figueretas (closed during october/november)
:arrow: DEMIEDO
:arrow: EL CLUB
:arrow: el comodín in can furnet
sun - salsa
:arrow: el desván in es pratet
:arrow: EL HOTEL
:arrow: embassy in es pratet
:arrow: GRIAL
:arrow: hector in sa penya *new*
:arrow: hostal talamanca in talamanca
sun - vive la salsa (from february)
:arrow: itaka in es pratet
daily - live music
:arrow: izay in marina botafoc
wed - house of devotion with ruben roher+javi green (from january)
thu - ronda with cobi novas+guests
fri - twisted with ruben solar+guests
sat - all times funky music with gael (from february)
sun - the doghouse with jon-jak+bekka rawkins+fred everywhere (from late january)
:arrow: keeper in ibiza nueva
thu - love generation with dj jota
fri - keeper mix with dj jam ribas
sat - love house music with dj jam ribas​
:arrow: kronoss in es vivé
tue - tu rap mis normas (from december to february)
wed - mi cuba (from january)
thu - noche de humor
fri - salsa
sat/sun - live music

:arrow: la alternativa in jesús
:arrow: la kokotxa in talamanca
:arrow: la muralla in dalt vila (gay, till december)
:arrow: la nada in sa penya (gay)
:arrow: la nit in es pratet
:arrow: la oveja negra in la marina (closed during october/november)
:arrow: la tierra in la marina
:arrow: leon in sa penya (gay)
:arrow: lo cura in la marina (closed mid-january/mid-march)
:arrow: maravillas in la marina (closed during january/february/march/april)
:arrow: mei in es pratet
:arrow: molambo in pasaje olimpo (latin music)
:arrow: montana in sa penya
sat/sun mornings - javi barreda+iban mendoza+sosa+etc
:arrow: mystic in es pratet
:arrow: nassau beach club in playa den bossa (till january)
fri - after work with ibiza sonica djs
sat - guests
:arrow: O2 ibiza in sa penya (+after hours) *new*
:arrow: otro bar in es pratet
:arrow: PACHA
:arrow: salon tropical in figueretas (latin music)
:arrow: saxo in es vivé (rock)
:arrow: siniva in av. san josé
fri - lailololailo with live flamenco music (from late march)
sat/sun - latin music
:arrow: soap in sa penya (december only)
:arrow: SOMNI
:arrow: sunrise in sa penya (gay,+after hours)
:arrow: sunset cafe in plaza del parque
:arrow: sushipoint in marina botafoc
wed - o ritmo da favela with mr.anderson (from march)
fri - chocolat with madame tina+guests (from mid-february)
sat - after dinner with iban mendoza+etc
:arrow: tal y cual in pasaje olimpo (closed during january)
:arrow: teatro pereyra near plaza del parque
daily - live music
thu - cocktail de risas with stand-up comedians
:arrow: tira pallá in sa penya (rock)
:arrow: top 21 in playa den bossa
:arrow: txoko in av. españa (rock)
:arrow: xenon in es vivé
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:arrow: acanthus in the west end (rock)
:arrow: azucar in avda. dr fleming (latin music)
:arrow: bar-me in the bay
:arrow: beverly in the port des torrent
:arrow: boozer in the west end
:arrow: boulevard in avda. dr fleming
:arrow: breezes in c. del progreso (till late december)
:arrow: casanova in c. sant antoni
:arrow: chicago in the west end
:arrow: colón in the west end (rock)
:arrow: corner bar in the west end
:arrow: dream in plaza españa *new*
:arrow: dub in the west end (hip hop) *new*
:arrow: dune in the west end
:arrow: eden in avda. dr fleming (one offs)
:arrow: eden rooms in the west end (till late january)
fri /sat - mr.bosco+sergio garcia+david balmont
:arrow: es cantó in c. rosalia
weekends - live music
:arrow: es recó d'angel in the west end
:arrow: fishermans in c. vara de rey
:arrow: GALA NIGHT
:arrow: golden buddha in caló des moro
:arrow: inercia in c. soledad
:arrow: island cafe in the port
fri - stephane s (from january)
:arrow: kedamos in the west end (rock)
:arrow: la noche in the west end
:arrow: la torre in cap negret (closed during february)
:arrow: london pub in the west end
:arrow: mandolino in avda. dr fleming
sat - live music
:arrow: melody in avda. dr fleming
:arrow: mermaid in the west end
:arrow: old smugglers inn in the bay
sat - contraband with live music
:arrow: olde london tavern in the bay (closed during february/march/april)
fri/sat - live music
:arrow: people in the west end
fri - up and down with mdk+blaze (hip hop)
sat - guests (house music)
:arrow: pinguin in c. soledad (rock)
:arrow: press in the west end (huddle during the summer)
:arrow: putu mayo cafe in cala gracioneta
sun - live music
:arrow: rey de copas in ses variades (closed during january/february/march)
:arrow: sa tasca in san agustín
fri/sat - santy+cobi novas+guests
:arrow: sam's green mile in the bay
weekends - live music
:arrow: shades in c. del progreso
:arrow: ship inn in the west end
fri - dirty rotten djs
sat - live music
:arrow: soul city in the west end (one offs for the kidz)
:arrow: that bar in the west end
:arrow: tropicana in the west end (closed during february/march)
:arrow: willow tree in c. sant antoni *new*
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:arrow: AURA
:arrow: cardamom club in santa eulalia (closed during january)
thu - live music (from february)
:arrow: EL AYOUN (dec 27th-jan 4th)
:arrow: GUARANA
:arrow: hotel du nord in can font (dec 19th till early jan + one offs)
:arrow: LAS DALIAS
:arrow: mariners in santa eulalia
sun - by the river sessions with daniel peñacoba+guests (till december)
:arrow: mitjorn in san miguel
:arrow: parawdiso in santa getrudis (closed during january/february/march)
weekends - after dinner music sessions with enrique domenech
:arrow: RACO VERD
:arrow: royalty
in santa eulalia
sat - live jazz music (from december)
:arrow: sansara in ctra. san carlos
thu - open stage
fri - warming up (dj miko/paoli)
sat - live music (miko's live jam/jahbless' reggae band)
:arrow: UNDERGROUND (one offs)
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halloween parties:

· bambuddha grove with james kameran+angelique
· base bar
· press
· sa tasca
· sam's green mile with live music
· txoko with dj ezekyel

plus many more.....
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· november 19th @ izay - ibiza rocks for africa with marcello marchito+mark atzek

organized by twisted, nothing to do with ibiza rocks.....
· november 29th @ the polideportivo in can guerxo (sant jordi) - dance4life with tania vulcano+lenny ibizarre+igor marijuan+valentin huedo

from 3.30pm.....
· november 29th
· december 13th
· january 10th
· march 7th @ dune - elektrowest with tete romero+guests
Happy Hour @ Boogie Bar

financial crisis? difficult times??


every thursday till sunday, from 22:00 till 00:00

because we care....
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