Bank holiday rundowns


Active Member
Friday - Reclaim the streets May day thingy at Bank...strange feeling having a boogie in the sunshine at Bank station. Especially enjoyed the dirty girlies in policemans uniforms and holdups. :lol:

Saturday - BBQ in the sunshine in Brockley.

Sunday - secretsundaze...I'd moaned all week about this one ("too expensive" "rubbish crowd" "too much minimal" blahdey blah) - but it was absolutely fantastic.
Loads of proper house music 8)
...and a new venue which is nothing short of spectacular. London has been crying out for a venue like 'THAT club' for years. It's a huge uncovered terrace with lighting trusses and a raised surround.
It's like being in Miami or something - world class stuff!
Can't wait to go back there! 8)

Monday - Bear fete at the RVT with stands, performances and street drinking limbless tramps everywhere. Classy.
friday - dinner date; after which I crashed/burned in traumatic fashion

Sat-present 72 hour exercise in self-flagellation
Our bank holiday was on Friday not Monday, so:

Thursday - Attended Simply Red concert. I realized that as many of their hits I love (Holding Back the Years, Money's Too Tight, Stars, Fairground, Sunrise) there are others towards which I am mostly indifferent. Still, a very well produced show and Gingerfreak's voice is amazing (he's also lost weight and shaved the beard :lol:). Seeing Russian pop star Valeria as the opening act was a bit surreal...she sang none of her hits, only songs from her new English album (she's touring worldwide with Simply Red)

Followed that by meeting up with friends at Funky Lime for drinks, then Opera where we had a table. Cheesy nightclub but good company.

Friday - Laid around the house all day waiting for football and reminding myself that it was only Friday :lol: Met up with the guys for a steak dinner. Then headed over to Chapurin Bar which had a very fun, very gay party going on with lots of house and disco classics. Then popped down to The Most where William Orbit was supposed to be spinning but at 3am appeared to have already left :? From there to Krysha for the afterparty.

Saturday - Laid around the house all day waiting for football then watched Chelsea v Fulham. Later, went to Fabrique to meet up with some visiting young US and Japanese politicians that some acquaintences were trying to keep entertained. Sadly, that club has gone way downhill over the years. Left there and headed to Solyanka for US DJ Kevin Yost and locals Spy.Der and Sanchez. Good tunes.

Sunday - Did some grocery shopping. Watched Lost and The Wrestler.
Robder, pleased to read you liked THAT, want to give it a go soon, but a few of the regular nights there are suspect :?
Whats the nearest tube?

Olly, please say you saw the match on saturday..
Greenwich not exactly accessible but well worth it.

No sound restrictions and daytime fun a la Space circa 2000. 8)
ah yes, the match. jesus christ. gutted I only caught the last 15 mins at the griffin because the bloody bus took forever to get into town :roll: When I walked in - I had to ask people if it was a typo on the screen... pique's goal was next-level! who'd have thought it :D
Olly, please say you saw the match on saturday..
Oh ya.. I forgot. Watched El Clasico before going out on Saturday night. Put a little bit of the fear of god in me! :?

Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow night...
Fri: Mission Impossible - trying to get to a friends new pad with me map reading (turns out I had the map the wrong way and we were heading West and not East - doh!!!

Sat: lurvely long lie in and then pottering, BBQ in our lovely (almost) finished garden, mates came round and chilled....

Sun: Stadium of Light for a slightly dull game of football - still Everton won which made for a happy husband but I was so disappoint in Sunderland, I really thought after they'd have seen the Newcastle result and knowing Everton would probably hold back somewhat for fear of more injuries Sunderland should have been flying at them..... :?

On the plus side the hospitality was fabulous as per usual and the food was gorgeous!!!

Raced back home - picked up some bits and bobs then went to Block Party at Stereo where I got well and truly hammered and danced my arse off -

Mon: lay on the sofa watching films and catching up on Sky+.....

knackered today
Friday - few drinks in mates bar after work, nothing major.

Saturday - tidying the house, entertaining the kids, freinds and family came to stay watched El Classico - awesome, sat up watched boxing and saw Hatton destroyed, Pacquaio different class.

Sunday - christening, wicked day, nice quick service no mucking about, then down to mate's bar for grub and drinks, then most came back to ours for a knees up which I am still feeling the pain.

Yesterday - bundles by the kids, sh1te tv, lots of sofa action, junk food, H20.
Bar 25 opening for me, then CDV to see Ricardo and Zip play,

Saturday Matthew Dear @ Berghain - Perlon night - extremely messy...

Feeling it with the Euro tho. BERLIN IS NOT THAT CHEAP ANYMORE
Friday - curry after work with BFs work lot, they were surprisingly nicer then I remembered (first impressions and all that :lol:), a couple we go out with quite a lot were there too and she was showing off her ring - he proposed to her on Santa Monica Beach :lol:

Saturday - paid the rest of our holiday (Mexico :cry:) we had to really to be covered, if things are still as bad piggy flu wise then will be refund or a different destination. Lets see what happens. Sat night we had a BBQ as the weather was so nice.

Sunday - out for lunch with my parents to a nice country pub, very nice indeed. Was meant to be out for drinks in eve with BFs mates but all the other girls pulled out so I stayed at home and left him to it, was nice to veg :lol:

Monday - at a bit of a loose end as weather so dull so went for a bit of lunch, BF picked up new car then vegged at his.

We really need our own pad :spank:
Friday - stayed in

Saturday - went out for a few drinks, ended up in local Ritzy nightclub. Made fool of myself in front of folk from work. Glad I'm off this week.

Sunday - went to Stereofunk @ Strathclyde Park. Got there at lunctime, by the time I was DJing at 5.30 I was in a disgusting mess. Managed to lose my phone.

Monday - stayed in bed all day. An honest person phoned me to tell me they'd found my phone.

Today - went and picked my phone up. gave the girl a bottle of vodka and some chocolates.
Friday - Reclaim the streets May day thingy at Bank...strange feeling having a boogie in the sunshine at Bank station. Especially enjoyed the dirty girlies in policemans uniforms and holdups. :lol:

Saturday - BBQ in the sunshine in Brockley.

Sunday - secretsundaze...I'd moaned all week about this one ("too expensive" "rubbish crowd" "too much minimal" blahdey blah) - but it was absolutely fantastic.
Loads of proper house music 8)
...and a new venue which is nothing short of spectacular. London has been crying out for a venue like 'THAT club' for years. It's a huge uncovered terrace with lighting trusses and a raised surround.
It's like being in Miami or something - world class stuff!
Can't wait to go back there! 8)

Monday - Bear fete at the RVT with stands, performances and street drinking limbless tramps everywhere. Classy.

THAT Club is a good venue aint it, used to be called The House and Terrace but shortened the name, the outdoor terrace is the nuts in the summer!!
Playa Chiquita...Costa Rica Carribean

Friday.....Had a bit of a cold, went into town and sneezed a couple of times and got strange looks from everybody. So stayed at home in the evening.

Sat.....Went surfing all day. Small but fun waves.

Sat pm. Feeling totally fine , went into Puerto Viejo and found a cool bar owned by some Italians. Had a couple of the best Mojitos ever, then got talking to a couple of girls. Asking them if there was anything going on that night...they were, well there is if you like electronic music.
''Does the Pope wear a silly hat'' kind of went over the girl from Panama's head a touch (there's me thinking she would like the 'hat' reference)
But half in the jungle and 10 metres from the beach in a place called Punta Uva we came across the perfect party location. They had set up some decks with a small thatched bar and a totally up for it crowd partied the night away.
Apparently they have been holding a few parties here and never get told to stop, no police, just the freedom to do whatever you want. The people we the friendliest bunch, a few Ibiza residents too. One girl that worked in KM5. within half hour of being there I knew everyone.
Beer was £1.50 and Mojitos £4.00. Other delicacies also in abundance.

Sunday...Beach and surf.

Monday....Spear fishing all morning but had chicken for lunch.
Friday - Pure - Manchester with Marcel Woods, Matt Hardwick & Judge Jules, was a great night apart from the club only letting people in with shoes and a shirt on & was full of nobs! Music was top class though!

Saturday - Pub for United game and a few beers, stayed in and watched a film in preperation for the Mau5 on sunday

Sunday - DEADMAU5, at Victoria Works, simply amazing, even if dangerously busy!

Monday - bad, bad come down!
Playa Chiquita...Costa Rica Carribean

Friday.....Had a bit of a cold, went into town and sneezed a couple of times and got strange looks from everybody. So stayed at home in the evening.

Sat.....Went surfing all day. Small but fun waves.

Sat pm. Feeling totally fine , went into Puerto Viejo and found a cool bar owned by some Italians. Had a couple of the best Mojitos ever, then got talking to a couple of girls. Asking them if there was anything going on that night...they were, well there is if you like electronic music.
''Does the Pope wear a silly hat'' kind of went over the girl from Panama's head a touch (there's me thinking she would like the 'hat' reference)
But half in the jungle and 10 metres from the beach in a place called Punta Uva we came across the perfect party location. They had set up some decks with a small thatched bar and a totally up for it crowd partied the night away.
Apparently they have been holding a few parties here and never get told to stop, no police, just the freedom to do whatever you want. The people we the friendliest bunch, a few Ibiza residents too. One girl that worked in KM5. within half hour of being there I knew everyone.
Beer was £1.50 and Mojitos £4.00. Other delicacies also in abundance.

Sunday...Beach and surf.

Monday....Spear fishing all morning but had chicken for lunch.

MASSIVE ENVY... All sounds fantastic :)