Baby "P"


knew i shouldn't have read it......

how many more wake up calls are needed?

I was like that mate, didnt want to read it, but told myself I was turning my back if I didn't, so I forced myself, I got angry, the tears came......something needs to happen now...this poor little mite can't die in vain. :evil:

knew i shouldn't have read it......

how many more wake up calls are needed?

I cant believe in this day and age that this is still going on :evil:

Knew i shouldnt have read it either, my lil' girl is 17 months, and the thought of anyone wanting to knowingly abuse/hurt an innocent child like her makes me so angry. I wouldnt hesitate in hurting him a 1,000,000 times more. :evil:

I hope the inmates find out who they are.

I was like that mate, didnt want to read it, but told myself I was turning my back if I didn't, so I forced myself, I got angry, the tears came......something needs to happen now...this poor little mite can't die in vain. :evil:

I felt the same man, even sick to the stomach, i still do now. It's horrendous how people, parents themselves didnt realise till too late, esp so near and in the same council as that other poor little girl Victoria Climbie.

I hope the cnuts die a very slow, and very painful death :evil:
"I hope the inmates find out who they are"

Oh yes, if there is any justice in the world please let them be in a prison where top dog is some hard as nails ex-underworld boss with a string of grandchildren on the outside that he adores!!
They will be protected at the tax payers costs.

Our prison system is a joke. They should be thrown into a cell with nothing in it, never mind books, computers etc and left to rot with the other nonses.

I'd kill if anyone came near or even thought about hurting my kids.
Just read the Times article on this.

Forget about the system, the taxpayers, the social workers, the doctors, the government, the lawyers, the prisons and all that crap. It's really irrelevant.

My question is this: who are we? What kind of depravity is in the human soul to do things like that? How have we failed when we raise children who grow up to carry out acts like this?

This planet is doomed.
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My question is this: who are we? What kind of depravity is in the human soul to do things like the? How have we failed when we raise children who grow up to carry out acts like this?

This planet is doomed.

If the vile scum were taken out of the gene pool over time wouldn't their sort become extinct? Perhaps wishful thinking but I can think of no earthly reason why these people are allowed to live.

I coudn't watch the news item in full last night, and as for the social services, someone should be facing criminal charges.

They might be protected in prison, there will be plenty of prison officers willing to turn the occasional blind eye one would hope.
Just read the Times article on this.

Forget about the system, the taxpayers, the social workers, the doctors, the government, the lawyers, the prisons and all that crap. It's really irrelevant.

My question is this: who are we? What kind of depravity is in the human soul to do things like that? How have we failed when we raise children who grow up to carry out acts like this?

This planet is doomed.[/quote]

They'll get found out in prison and hurt, forget protection, Huntley keeps getting slashed when the guards are convieniently not looking so lets hope the same happens here. Britains underworld are a lovely bunch.
They'll get found out in prison and hurt, forget protection, Huntley keeps getting slashed when the guards are convieniently not looking so lets hope the same happens here. Britains underworld are a lovely bunch.

The sad thing is it doesnt change what happened to this poor defenceless 'baby'. But yeah your right, years of pain and suffering will hopefully be served. Thats if they know who he is, because you see, 'he' is being protected by anonymity. What a joke, the uk justice sytem is a funkin joke, thats where we can take a leaf out of the American system
Morbo makes the best point out of all of this though. Gotta question why and how this could be done and the only answer is mental health problems presumbly.
Just can't stop thinking about it........:cry::cry::cry: RIP little man!!!

Ditto mate :(

I think it will really affect any decent human being, but as a parent it is physically making me feel sick. Maybe because mine is the same age as the poor little chap, I dunno :?

I also read that the doctor who sent him home with the injuries that eventually killed him, tried to cover her tracks by changing the records 8O And that he looked just like a baby with a cold :spank: It would have been prevented if people had done their jobs. Fact. People should be proseduted.
I must admit I couldn't bring myself to read more than the headlines as i know i would dwell on it too much. I got the gist from the flashes of pictures i saw. I couldn't face knowing the details.

These people look the same as you or me, two arms and two legs, but that's where the similarity ends. They simply aren't human.
i can't believe it is the same council as the victoria climbie case, the other most horrendous case of child abuse.

i immediately thought of that when i heard about this, but it didn't twig they were both in haringey.

fcuk, if anywhere should have been over cautious it should have been there.....there are probably even people who have worked, indirectly, on both cases.

totally and utterly unforgiveable.