Advice for born-again Ibiza virgin, plz


New Member
Hi All hoping all you Ibiza addicts can help a sad old thirty-something who has just discovered Ibiza (Jun 21-28) and loved it so much she's going back 31/8-7/9.

I am a little overwhelmed with not really knowing all the nights or even what the hell the difference is between upfront and funky house or trance. Don't laugh, all you experts - I have to start somewhere and better late than never!

So...I went Cream at Amnesia, no idea what to expect but had a smile on my face the minute we got in (being clueless, we must have been the only people ever to pay full price on the door - ticket guy just looked like i was dumb when i said i didnt have any pass or anything) until 6.15am when our feet finally gave in.

So...I know I like whatever they were playing in the MixMag terrace A LOT and enoyed the trance (??) Ferry Corsten was playing in the main room.

Since getting back I have bought a bunch of compilations to get a better idea of what i like and so far I am loving:

Judgement Sundays (both the banging CD1 and funky CD2)

Cream Ibiza 08

Club Azuli 2008

MoS Ibiza Clubbers Guide 08

F*** Me I'm Famous International II

I played a friend of mine a few songs from Clubbers Guide and asked her what this sort of music was (I'd just thought it was all 'dance') and she made me feel about 2 cms tall by saying "hmmm, well that's just commercial dance". I was too embaressed to ask any more 8O

OK so many of these CDs are associated with a night at Ibiza so is it just too logical to deduce i'll have a good night if i try any of these?

It's my birthday on the Saturday night that I'm out there (6th Sept) and was going to try Hed Kandi as I figured I can't deny I like a bit of that commercial dancey stuff too (bought the latest Hed Kandi CD and don't like it much but have liked them and MoS compilations in the past) but there are lots of negative reviews about it...what do you guys think?

So I don't sound like an idiot, can you tell me the difference between all these different types of music and also, if you have any club recommendations based on the above.

Be gentle.


Lotte x
This is kind of tuff to figure out. I would say though if you like the cd you will probably like the night.

The Judgment Sunday, Cream CD's are mainly trance.
F*** Me cd is what I call glam house, IMO lot's of similarities with the Hed Kandi CD. From reading other reviews on here be forwarned F*** Me is going to be packed to the gills.