1st Time Working...

Hi everyone im heading out to Ibiza this year to work, it will be my 3rd visit to the island but my 1st time to work...
im hoping to head out early may 6th from stanstead and stay out till just after the closing parties...

i was originally going to go over with a friend from the states but he is unable to make it over to work all season, this leave me on my own, im not worried about heading off by myself as im sure once i get a job i'll meet plently of like-minded people!

just wondering if anyone was heading off at the same time as me, and faniced meeting up perhaps!

add me to msn grandpaslittleditty@hotmail.com

cheers :D
Good luck, you'll have a kick-ass summer!!! That I can guarantee. Go easy on the pills mate, limit yourself to two nights a week is probably a good idea... It's easy to overdo it