North Ibiza house wanted... help

monika zampa

New Member
After several years of temptation I am finally making the move...I will live in IBIZA. But first need to find an affordable country house, old finca where my small family can find the piece and connection with nature.

So far I have search on the internet estate agent in Ibiza, pretty high rents, but I know that there must be a great old house waiting for me. I can afford around EUR 1200 - 1500 per month.

Would appreciate ANY HELP AND DIRECTION.

best of luck monika, finding a decent priced place to stay has become one of the trickiest tasks on the island!
The „Center for Real Estate Studies“ has just declared the North as the most expensive area of the island.
Off course, this is a statistic in terms of buying real estate, but the market in that area is much smaller than in other parts of the Island.