How's Your Year Been? (2013)


Well-Known Member
As is traditional. Here's 2011. I can't find 2012? @Robder - you haven't done this and I've missed it?

The Good

This has been the best year of my life. My son has made me the happiest man alive and any doubts I ever had about who and why I am are gone. The missus has gone up even further in my esteem - I salute mothers everywhere. And it turns out my parents are great at being grandparents! Didn't see that coming at all.

My best friend, over in NYC, had another little girl.

New business is ticking along nicely and has involved some learning. I passed my HGV test after 4.5 days training and was one of 2 on a course of 12 who passed the CPC Transport Manager's exams required to obtain an Operators Licence to operate HGVs.

I finally saw my lunatic ex in court and got paid some of what she owed me and also scored a pre-Xmas £3.5k PPI payout with minimal effort.

The Bad

Lost a good friend from my youth far too young - heart attack at 39 years of age. Another bloke I knew fairly well died aged 50 after an operation because the medical staff made an mistake with an oxygen mask, starving his brain for 9 minutes. Horrific.

Another good friend's addiction problem has meant I'm going to have to cut them off. I can't have someone turning up to a Sunday morning activity for my son out of their face.

My knee's buggered. I need an operation and six weeks recovery time before I can play football properly again. I've been playing in goal and have bruised or busted ribs as a result. It's age isn't it?


My son is one at the end of January. As long as he continues to be happy and healthy, all my dreams are coming true.
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Absolutely bat-shit crazy year for me! I'd just got out of a 9 year relationship this time last year, so the start of the year was still busy with the fall-out of that.

The good:
Bugged Out weekender.
Stag dos in London and Madrid, good friends weddings.
First solo Ibiza trip - June.
Hot summer - loads of BBQs, beach days etc.
Closing parties.
Southampton FC.
Started taking running seriously, ran times I'm proud of in the Great South Run & Gosport Half marathon, secured a place in next years London Marathon.
Work starting to look good for the foreseeable.
Starting to save some good money.
Now happily single and enjoying the dating game.

The bad:
Tough winter working in N.E Scotland.
Messed around loads at work.
Found adjusting to single life hard.
Haven't been able to make enough time for some good friends.
Best mate under the thumb with a really nasty piece of work.
Dad has MS which gets worse and worse.

2014 will be a much more settled year. Much less partying, a marathon or two, get enough money together to take a year out travelling in mid 2015 is the plan.
Quite possibly the worst year of my life. Everything feels like it's gone wrong.

The Good:
Ibiza in Sept - totally unexpected visit.
Realising who my close friends are. They've been with me through think and thin this year, and put up with a lot of my shit.
Watching my club brand start to take off after expecting I'd never be able to do it again
Making new friends.
Promotion at work

The Bad:
My ex and her lies. Including the paternity of her unborn child...
Dropping out of uni
Close family member passing away.

2014 - the only way is up
My year has been crazy and I guess probably will continue to be right till the last minute

Was getting successful in my job that I worked in until August, even though I left it was a good confidence boost that I can do well and not get fired (I got fired 3x the previous year!) oops
Had 4 glorious Ibiza holidays (feb, June, July & August)
Moved to Ibiza in September, had a great time exploring, seeing new things and making some great genuine new friends
Too many good parties to mention!

The fallout when I left my last job. Don't think I will ever forget the look of disgust and abandonment on my old bosses face. He was actually heartbroken, I just hadn't realised how he 'felt' about me until then!
Emergency surgery in August delayed my Ibiza move and put me out of action for a good fewonths leading to depression because of all the pain Meds
The guy I left my life for split up with me at the beginning of the month a few weeks before my birthday in what has been the most public ally humiliating split of my entire life

Trip to England in January then off to Tenerife where I have been offered a job for two months
Back to Ibiza April when the dust will have settled to enjoy the rest if the year
Pretty nondescript for me this year but off the top of my head.


Youngest daughter started high school and loves it.
Got a puppy Border Terrier dog in March (already have a 5 year old bitch as well).
Decided to remain in our current house and not move nearer to the girls school (thus saving us £100,000)
Realising that our house is a "home" and falling in love with it again.
Losing more weight, nearly to my late teens weight.
Finding out my liking for disco/80's re edits
Solo Ibiza trip in September, good music, good people.


Being 42 years old in December - It really hit me this year, for some reason it just sounds old.
Mental Border Terrier puppy, its like having a third child (its not bad really)
Seeing my Nan get really really old, frail and totally dependant on others + losing marbles a bit.
Mild recurrence of anxiety in March/April (last time proper was 1999) quickly resolved though!
Spending too much time at the gym/exercising and neglecting family.
Ibiza on my own - In a way it was good but there were times in the day when exploring that I needed some company?

The good,
Holidays in Egypt, Poland, Ireland, and Ibiza x3,
Business running at a healthy profit,
Being a dad to a great 4yr old boy who wants to wrestle me, and show me how strong he is,
Realising Ibiza should be our home for the future.

The bad

House not selling :-(
Employed work is like Being in a prison.
Put on weight ( not enought time to exercise)
Gave up racing ready for the move.

2013 was ok 2014 is going to be great .

Started new job in Feb
150% to year sales target
Awakenings in Amsterdam
Eminem in Dublin


Fiancée leaves
Get Burgled (2 weeks later)


Borussia Dortmund, Florida, Ibiza,
Not a great year, waking up daily in a job you actually hate more then anything isn't a nice feeling.
Shame I let so much of my life be affected by it but it's hard to explain to people why you get so trashed at a weekend when you finally get away from 'hell'.
On the plus side :D
Ibiza(again) and still can't stop being so in love with the place every person who knows me thinks I got problems!
New job! I have moved in to the heavy haulage sector of transport so when you see those idiots driving 20 miles an hour down the motorway with a 200 tonne transformer and you're calling them blind it could be me 8)
I'm much happier in life and at home now despite being away most of the week and the weekend work is due to start next year. But it's time to plan, and my mrs has set me a target of money to save and when(if) I've ever got it we'll sit and talk about a move to ibiza permanently(yay).
Got 5 numbers on the lottery when I came back from Ibiza in sept! One more would of been living in paradise but got £1918 quid so canny complain.
2014 has Dublin Ibiza and Bulgaria planned already, I'm earning more money in a job I enjoy and am learning and all debts should be gone heading into 2015 so it should be a much better affair.
Be surprised if anyone read that to the bottom :lol:
great job at start of year
weekend in manchester in February
week in ibiza in semptember
many drunken nights out

wile in that job put on about 3 stone of weight
great job ended in june
ibiza, after the 4th night got that sick I cudnt eat or go out the rest of the holiday.

on the plus side trying to sort out ibiza trip number 3.
All in all it's been a filler year. Just passing time. Not as horrendous as last year but nothing special either. In short, just meh. Sadly, at my age, a year like that just seems like a wasted year.

- All the travel - Peru (Lima, Lake Titicaca, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu), skiing with friends in Bulgaria, following Chelsea FC to Bucharest, Basel, Amsterdam and Prague, the annual Ibiza pilgrimage, attending the opening week of the Venice Biennale, speaking at the Parliament building in London.
- I started dating again after spending the 2nd half of last year completely heartbroken over a girl
- Tried out skydiving from an airplane at 4 km, and bungee jumping off buildings.
- Still have a job
- Nephew born in August
- Lost more weight in Oct

- Started the year alone in Lima and hit total emotional rock bottom (the previous NYE was in Mumbai with a big group of friends and a girl I loved... the contrast couldn't have been greater).
- Bored with my job, and it looks like my annual bonus is going to shrink
- Got heartbroken... again! I can sure pick them.
- Generally unhappy

I struggle to feel the positive outweighs the negative.

At least I can look forward to Christmas back home in the States next week and my trip to Australia for New Years. And Istanbul in February and London in March. Beyond that, I have no idea what next year will bring.

* started club night Sanctuary in September and DJ'ed alongside Graeme Park.
* Ibiza in June where I spent 4/5 nights DJ'ing
* having mixes played on the radio for the first time
* DJ'ing in Scotland for the first and second time
* making new friends and most friends still supporting me
* finally getting to see Dimitri from Paris live


* losing my nana at the start of the year
* losing some friends, that were only my friends because I gave them regular DJ gigs
* not spending the season in Ibiza (roll on 2014)
* having to cancel an event for the first time

all in all, a pretty good year, which obviously could have been better, but with only one major bad point, I guess it could have been worse.
Im never sure about doing these posts but here go's

Work and income has been best year to date since going freelance. Have been a 'yes' man and taken on alot more stuff. made good new contacts at new companies and so far not been short of work etc.
Liking being abit older and growing into my age if that makes sense.
Lost a load of weight pre ibiza with a PT friend of mine and know how to do it and whats needed...
Gf and ex gf now get on which was abit of an issue before but seems all resolved now

Not sticking to exercise / PT programme after Ibiza.
Working alot of nightshifts is geting me down ive realised.
drinking too much when i drink and perhaps liking it abit too much??

Coming up: Nothing to look forward to particularly , not in a bad way just nothing booked in
Not sticking to exercise / PT programme after Ibiza.
Working alot of nightshifts is geting me down ive realised.
drinking too much when i drink and perhaps liking it abit too much??

This should be added to my bads as well

- ...well actually exceptional - my daughter Leia was born at the start of November after many years of heartache - she's beautiful and cannot imagine my life without her here
- work has looked up with a promotion
- lost the additional weight i have, although i need to stop reducing as my trousers aren't fitting
- financially sound


- massive change in my diabetes management has meant i'm not in "as good" control as i should probably be....need to get this sorted next year for definite
- no Ibiza this year
- the upheaval & chaos at my football team shows no sign of abating