Aqualandia, back of Talamanca


Active Member
Right. I read years ago in a Ministry Book that this 'was the biggest waterpark' in Ibiza, I always used to ask people at hotels where it was and was it better than Aguamar, no-one know anythign about it, blank looks of 'are you on glue' :confused:

I've been going to Ibiza each year for about 8 years now and not until this year have I finally discovered this place did actually exist!! We drove round to Sa Punta but missed the turning and ended up here by accident but I was glad we did!

Man this place is run down and looks like it didn't even get finished? We walked into the site through an open door but it was well spooky, goosebumps style I was expecting a zombie to jump out at any moment! I think it was ridden with squatters to be honest there was washing hanging outside a couple of rooms, there were vans down at the back. We made a sharp exit!! :eek:

I'll attach up my photo's when I get home 8)

Anyone know anything about this?
As I understand it the place did open for a short while but went bust. I heard it was better than Aguamar. Never managed to find it myself. I think this could be the reason why it went bust because it was off the beaten track. Must go and have a look at the 'ruins' when i'm next over there. Sounds like something from Scobie Doo!

On the subject of Aguamar it's about time they gave it a major facelift! Great when it first opened but I think it's very dated now. In fact i've come to loath the place now. Managed to talk the kids out of goin this year!
i can´t understand how anybody can go to a stupid crap/trash-style "waterpark"
when visiting a beautiful island with beautiful beaches ?!
(ok , if there is a ship going down + oilspill it´s something different)
I agree but It's something different for a day? Plus if you had kids It would probably be a godsend for some peace & quiet!!
Here you go guys :)







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Ah... I wondered about this place. Drove by it looking for the Fish Shack (as I did a couple of years ago looking for Sa Punta).
PSOE-Pacte complaint irregular sale of a plot of "luxury" in Cap Martinet
Vicent Torres warns that it is "a speculative operation" that could be declared invalid,
while Santa Eulalia defends legality

... The PSOE-municipal group in Santa Eulalia Pacte irregularities denounced by the municipality
in the sale of land in "the area of ​​luxury" is Cap Martinet.
The lot was sold through an auction (only took a company) for a total of 3.3 million,
only 100,000 euros above the asking price, in an operation "speculative" gestated
in no time and "without transparency ", warned yesterday the opposition spokesman, Vincent Torres,
and the Selectmen Miguel and Carmen Vidal Padial.
Vicent Torres said the selling price gives "like laughing", since in this area of ​​12,000 square meters,
will be built between "10 and 12 houses of 400 square meters," so that the price paid
"is amortized quickly ...


i smell a rat - WHO bought it ...
... for a few bucks ???